What is your favorite season?  Stop for a minute and think about the colors, the smells of the air, the stirrings of the seasons. 

  • Spring . . . new beginnings, growth, hope, chirping of birds, sweet fresh air, planting gardens  
  • Summer . . .  sunshine, warmth, swimming, picnics, camping, cold lemonade, watermelon, hammocks
  • Autumn . . . golden crispness, changing colors, cozy evenings, bonfires, s'mores, hot cider, sweaters, preparation   
  • Winter . . .  falling snow, frosty branches, snow angels, sledding, shoveling snow, Christmas cookies, caroling

In many ways, the seasons of nature can be likened to the seasons of our lives.  I find that I seem to go through all four seasons in my personal life just as natural as the world around us.  But I TRY never stay in one season too long.  Why???

  • If I stayed in the SPRING season of my life, all I would have is new beginnings of projects and growth and never get any further.  Sure, Spring is filled with exciting possibilities but I know I would want more than just possibilities!  I would want to realize those possibilities. 
  • But then I could sit awhile in the SUMMER season and soak up the sunshine and enjoy all the activities that take place during Summer.  But eventually, I think I would want to move on from all all the fun summer distractions.  I never seem to feel settled in Summer, like I am waiting for something. 
  • Then comes AUTUMN, my favorite season!  I really could stay here forever . . . or could I?  It seems everything starts turning a beautiful golden hue only to start fading quickly.  And there is a lot of hard physical work in the Autumn.  If I stayed in this season very long, I think I would end up despondent and exhausted. 
  • Maybe I could stay a little longer in the quietness of the WINTER season.  After all, the hard prep work is done, things have settled down to sleep, snow birds have left for the southern hemisphere . . . things come to a halt for awhile! But I think if I stayed in the Winter season of my life too long I might become lethargic in relationships and in my projects. 

 "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."
(Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV)  

From this verse, I understand that we can enjoy and grow in each season of life.  Join me in discovering the various aspects of the seasons and see if our lives identify with each. Click below on the current season we are in right now.